

Research on the Non-orthogonal Measurement Instrument for Large-scale Metrology

【作者】 杨峰亭

【导师】 吴斌;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 仪器科学与技术, 2017, 硕士

【摘要】 随着航空航天、远洋船舶、汽车制造等大型工业制造业的发展,对于大尺寸、现场自动化测量的需求与日俱增。传统大尺寸测量设备,如经纬仪、全站仪、激光跟踪仪等往往需要合作靶标或人工瞄准方可实现较高精度的测量。同时,由于仪器正交轴系的结构要求,使高精度仪器的生产装配成本居高不下。为解决这一矛盾,我们提出了基于非正交轴系结构的测量仪器系统设计理念,并致力于将其应用于工业和工程实践。本文首先从非正交轴系测量仪器系统测量单元的通用性结构入手,分析了非正交轴系测量单元的抽象模型、内参标定方法及正、反两向运动学模型。其中,测量单元可以抽象为三条异面直线组成的绕轴运动机构,尽管三轴不再遵循正交性,但依然参照传统习惯,分别称之为“竖直轴”、“水平轴”与“视准轴”。定义三轴的初始空间位置为测量单元的内部参数,由高精度设备标定获得。非正交轴系测量单元的三轴标定方法与正、反两向运动学模型的构建为本文研究的重点内容之一。其后,针对两种不同的应用需求,本文设计了两种针对性的非正交轴系测量仪器系统,分别称之为非正交轴系“经纬仪”系统和非正交轴系“全站仪”系统,并根据各自的系统特性提出了相对应的系统参数标定方案。其中,非正交轴系“经纬仪”系统系统参数涉及两个测量单元(非正交轴系“经纬仪”)空间位姿关系,亦称之为系统的外部参数。此外,通过对非正交轴系“全站仪”的误差分析,提出了一种可用于两类非正交轴系仪器系统的测量性能提升方案。因此,对两种非正交轴系测量系统的原理设计与性能优化也是本文的重点研究内容。最后,本文通过计算机仿真与实际系统样机实验测试了两种非正交轴系测量仪器的测量精度,验证了将非正交轴系测量仪器应用于工业和工程测量实践的可行性。

【Abstract】 With development of the aerospace engineering,the ocean vessel and the automobile manufacturing,the large-scale metrology becomes a crucial area for modern industry.However,the conventional large-scale measurement machines,such as theodolite,total station and laser tracker,need cooperative targets or manual collimation to achieve a high precision measurement.What’s worse,their measurement accuracy highly relies on their structure orthogonality,which increases their expenditure.To solve this conflict,we have proposed the so-called non-orthogonal instrument.This thesis starts with the introduction of the general structure of the sensor unit of the non-orthogonal instrument,and then analyzes its abstract model,a pivoting machine with three skew lines.These lines are named as “vertical axis”,“horizontal axis” and “sight axis”,and their initial spatial position are named as internal parameters,which are calibrated by a higher precision instrument.The calibration method for internal parameters and the kinematic models of the sensor unit are two of the key points of our research.Next,for two different applications,this thesis proposed two different non-orthogonal measurement instruments named as “non-orthogonal theodolite system”(N-Theodolite)and “non-orthogonal total station system”(N-TS).We developed specific calibration methods for each instrument.And since the system parameters of N-Theodolite indicate the spatial relationship between two sensor units,it is called external parameters specifically.In addition,we found the pointing accuracy of the non-orthogonal instrument varies with different poses.So an accuracy improving method is proposed to improve the measurement accuracy of both systems.Finally,the simulations and experiments validate the measurement accuracy of non-orthogonal instruments and prove their feasibility for industrial application.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2018年 06期

